
Below sounds so formal.. but this is for the benefit of those who want the low down on me in the “normal” way

Jatinder Kaur Daniels is a researcher,  writer,  observer,  social commentator and mother.  She was born in India, grew up in England and for the last 9 years has lived in Spain.

Health is her passion as she had so little of that most of her life until just 12 years ago when at the age of 37 she discovered the very natural detoxing raw food lifestyle that healed her from being registered disabled  to a fit woman within a year. (Rheumatoid Arthritis for 24 years)

It also healed her 2 older children of horrendous eczema and asthma within 3 months. Many other nagging symptoms disappeared too.

Seeing that much of the raw food came from Spain she and her family packed their bags and drove from London to Spain to start a new life 9 years ago and have never looked back!

Although formally qualified in Information Technology from an English polytechnic/university she considers that education miniscule in comparison to the self education she has given herself over the last 12 years which she wishes to share with all that are interested.

She and her husband Derek are involved with bringing an awareness and a sense of individual responsibility of the role lifestyle/habits/diet plays on individual and planetary health and how strongly the two are connected.

Here are some of their involvements:

  • She has given interviews in the media in England and Spain.
  • This includes her centrefold spread in the Daily Mirror  on the 3rd of May 2006.
  • Their interview on London Tonight in 2001. (Can be seen on their website)
  • They presented their case regarding health and diet at a prestigious conference on Functional Foods in Amsterdam in 2007.
  • Her books “Raw Curries” and “Conquer Arthritis and other degenerative diseases” are due to be published very shortly.
  • Their website www.tastymango.com offers a glimpse into their feelings, experiences, thoughts and healthy life style in this beautiful part of the world.

The below “About” is more how I see myself…

Jatinder feels she is one of the luckiest humans in the world.

She was born in India when it was almost unpolluted so she got to taste “real” food, breath clean air and live the life that a child born into this world today cannot dream of,  even if its parents are billionaires…

Her education  started long before she sat in a classroom and is still continuing as she nears the half century mark..

Her first two teachers were/are  awesome humans

They taught her that life was, sacred, beautiful and enchanting.

They showered her with love.

They taught her to respect everyone, especially the poor of whom there were so many.

To share what she has, and to rejoice in everyones success if it comes from a place of love.

They also taught her to be confident and believe in herself. She was her own hero.

They taught her humility but not subservience.

They taught her NEVER SAY DIE.

They taught her BE JUST and FEAR NOT.

At school she learnt how to use all the above.

School eventually gave her a certificate  to be a cog in the machine of a dog eat dog world that does not serve the majority of humanity…

By this time she had had more vaccinations then raw dinners and was suffering crippling rheumatoid arthritis.

She wished she would die but the universe had further abundance of pain at nearly every level in store for her.

Anyway to cut a long story short the emotional mental physical wounds took her to a place called do or die where fortunately her spirit still  reigned king.

Along with  karma  it whipped her into starting a journey to great health and know she wants to share her many varied experiences in the desire that it helps alleviate as much suffering in others as possible.

She is presently sitting on the  outer boundary of society doing her own thing..

6 Comments on “About”

  1. queen b says:

    today is monday. I have work to do, beds to make, errands to run, and lessons to learn. but my friend, I sat in front of the computer for a quick look at your blog and couldn´t stop reading!!! congrats for such rich and beautiful gifts…

  2. caragh says:

    Hello I just stumbled across your website like a breath of fresh or a ray of light on a sad day…….I love your idea of communal prayer and sending positive energy to all those who are suffering(in Japan and all over the world) You are a beautiful and spiritually rich person and I love you although I have never met you x x x

  3. Mylène Dèsir. says:

    Thank you for you’re amazing story ! I was writing to you, I think on you’re facebook pag. I am from Netherland, I life in Belgium. I know a friend and in his family is a girl whos has Child Rheuma. She is not well. The parents go to the hospital and give her medication. I feel sorry for this child, I don’t know the parents but I believe that food can change her. No toxic food and no animal products. I don’t eat meat, I am as good as a vegan. Sorry for my English, I speak Dutch.
    Organic food and real food I believe can make her better. The name of the girl is Linn she is only 3 yaers old;Do you think that she can also become better like I believe that she can. She is so little. The mother work and the child receive easy food,out of a packiging. I think so much about this girl. Thank you so far and thank you for all your beautiful work and that you share this with the world. Thank you so much. Namasté.Wit love, Mylène Désir.

    • Thank you Mylene, many blessings to you and Linn. I sincerely believe in the words “Let medicine be thy food and food be thy medicine”. Modern food is altered by chemicals, genetic modification etc so how can it be our medicine or food? That is a fundamental question everyone need to ask themselves if they want health. Linn’s parents will have to adjust their lifestyle if they want better health for their child. I cannot speak for others but changing my diet was the best thing I did for myself (and general detoxing practices) and I have seen the benefits of this change in so many that it seems to me to be the most healthful way to live.
      All the best to you

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